This is the August release in the series, and it features an outlaw gang with blazing skulls where their heads should be. I'm just guessing, of course, but I'd say that the author of this one must have been heavily influenced by Western pulps, Three Mesquiteers movies, comic books, and things like that.
John Sykes Is Gone
7 hours ago
Recently I was in the local Tom Thumb (Bryant-Irvin Road at I-820) and they had a whole rack of Westerns. The first name that jumped out at me was Ed Gorman, but they had Longarm, The Gunsmith, Elmer Kelton, and a bunch of others. I guess the Western isn't quite dead yet.
I've driven by that Tom Thumb many times but don't think I've ever been inside it. I'll have to check out their book section next time I'm over that way -- which isn't often because the traffic's gotten so bad in that part of town.
Premise sounds reminiscent of the "Night Riders" in the Russell Thorndike "Dr. Syn" novels ... do you think the author may have borrowed that idea from this series, (in which smugglers paint their horses with phophoresence, and dress up in spooky outfits, precisely to deter people from interfering with them).
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