Since I took yesterday off, I spent a quiet day at home today, writing. This morning I finished a short story I've been working on, and then this afternoon I wrote an outline for an upcoming project and worked on the research for another outline. I was pretty pleased with the way all of those things came together.
Usually by the Fourth of July, it's so dry around here that we always worry about fireworks starting a grass fire. Not this year. It's been raining so much that all the grass is wet and there's standing water in a lot of places. Mosquite heaven. Not having to worry about fires is a relief, but the place is going to be a jungle before it dries out enough for us to mow it again.
Rebellion Releases — 22 January 2025
6 minutes ago
1 comment:
Poured rain during my older daughter's wedding in Austin on June 23, continued to pour rain when the ceremony ended and everybody ducked out of church to their cars to drive to the reception, and then the skies cleared and the evening was beautiful.
Nice day on June 26 when my wife, other relatives, and I drove out to Johnson City and Fredricksburg to sightsee, returning to Austin in late evening -- and then reports on the Weather Channel next morning about heavy rain overnight in the Fredricksburg area and severe flooding elsewhere in the Hill Country.
My wife and I have been visiting Texas off and on for the past nine years while Carol earned advanced degrees at UT and then got a teaching job in Austin. This was the first summer since that first visit in '98, I think, in which we've seen measurable rain there.
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