Cody is back. FORT WORTH NIGHTS, now available on Amazon, collects the five stories I wrote in the Eighties about Fort Worth private eye Cody, the protagonist of my first novel TEXAS WIND. But that's not all. I figured there was a good chance I'd never write another Cody story, but publishing this collection seemed like a perfect opportunity to do just that. So . . . FORT WORTH NIGHTS also includes the first new Cody story in almost 25 years, a 10,000 word novelette called "Assisted Dying". It's not a flashback or anything like that. Cody's older and so am I, but we're both still plugging away at it. What's more, I had great fun writing this story and, uh, Cody might be back again one of these days. Sooner than 25 more years, I hope. I also hope some of you will check out FORT WORTH NIGHTS and that you enjoy these stories. (Livia designed a great cover for the book, too.)
UPDATE: The book is now available for the Nook, too. You can find it here.
Very cool. As soon as I figure out what my finances are going to be in the next few weeks I will pick this one up.
No hard copy?
The print edition is on its way and should be available in a week or two.
Most cool to have this collection. Looking forward to reading the new entry. Did the Facebook, Twitter, blog thing to pass the word along...
Saw this on the Crider blog and bought it yesterday.
Jeff M.
Bought the Nook version.
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