Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Mystery Book Magazine, Fall 1947
You want a femme fatale? I got your femme fatale right here. Cigarette? Check. Gun? Check. Provocative pose? Check. Hapless male victim? Check. And on top of that, this issue features a story by William Irish, who as we all know was really Cornell Woolrich. Other authors in this issue include Robert J. Hogan of G-8 fame, Richard Brister, who was best known for his Westerns, O.B. Myers, a prolific contributor to the air-war pulps, and Roger Fuller, who was really popular novelist Don Tracy. MYSTERY BOOK isn't a very well-known pulp these days, but this looks like a good issue.
MYSTERY BOOK had an interesting history. Influenced by the digest format of ELLERY QUEEN MYSTERY MAGAZINE, it started in July 1945 as a quality digest. It even had Will Cuppy as the book reviewer.
However with the 20th issue it changed to the standard pulp size of 7 by 10 inches in 1947. Then in 1950 it changed the title to GIANT DETECTIVE for two issues before ceasing publication.
Total issues: 33.
If I may interject a personal note, I've brought my blog back from the dead. You can go to and see it for yourself. Thanks.
And the pulp looks good.
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