Ranger Jim Rides Again
I drove up to Jacksboro, Texas, today to meet Western author James J. Griffin, who’s been an Internet friend for years, but who I’d never met in person until today. Jim’s on a book tour through Texas and New Mexico, and he’s also stopping at a few libraries along the way and doing presentations about the Texas Rangers, his area of expertise. Today in Jacksboro, he put on a program for 90 fourth-graders, and I’m not sure who had more fun, Jim or the kids. He talked a little about the history of the Rangers, but he managed to work even more info into a series of demonstrations and games that had the kids taking part and learning stuff without even realizing it. It was a masterful performance all around.
I was able to visit with Jim for a while before the program began and it was great to be able to talk with someone I’ve known on-line for years. I also met Jim’s dad Willis and his dog Dougie (hope I’m spelling that correctly). Dougie was a big hit with the kids, too, as you might expect. All in all, it was a very enjoyable little road trip for me.
And now I’m an official Junior Texas Ranger, too. I have the badge to prove it.
I wish someone like that came to my class when I was a kid. That sounds like my idea of a good day at school!
Jim's a great guy - I've got to know him through the web, have interviewed him on The Archive and hope to meet him in preson when I visit the US
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