Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Two Blogs of Note

Dr. Toni Johnson-Woods has a couple of blogs that will probably be of great interest to many of you:  A World of Australian Pulp Fiction and The Carter Brown Mystery Series.  Lots of great covers and information on both of these blogs (although purists will note that the books covered aren't actually pulps).  Thanks to Juri Nummelin for pointing these out on his blog.  I know I'm going to be spending some time going through both of them.


Frank Loose said...

I've read a half dozen or so Larry Kents, and they are all fun, some are down right terrific. It's hard to find copies here in the states, though. Most of the Kents I have I ordered from sellers down under.

When some one mentions Carter Brown, the first thing that jumps to mind are tantalizing book covers on spinner racks back in the 60s. Oh, yea, and a fun read in between those covers. I have a million of them. (only slightly exaggerating.)

James Reasoner said...

Yeah, any time I see those Carter Brown covers I immediately think about all the spinner racks where I first saw them. I ought to see if I could find an old spinner rack for my office.

David Cranmer said...

No Blonde Is An Island. You have to love that title!

RJR said...

Tanks for clueing us in on these. I'll check them out.


Juri said...

Thanks, James, for providing the link to my blog!

The Larry Kents I've read haven't been very good, but my reading of them has been pretty random. Toni Johnson-Woods said to me that almost all the other Australian crime digest/paperback writers (not to use the word "pulp" here that Todd Mason so loathes) are terrible, with the exception of K. T. McCall, the duo of women journalists writing together about a private eye called Buchanan. And of course Carter Brown.

For some reason or another, Australian westerns are usually quite good.

James Reasoner said...

I need to get my hands on some Larry Kents again one of these days. I used to have a few but never got around to reading them.

The only Australian Western authors I've read are Len Meares and Keith Hetherington. I love Len's work and have really enjoyed the books I've read by Hetherington, who is still writing regularly for the Black Horse Western line under a number of different pseudonyms. He must be getting close to 2000 books in his career by now!

James Reasoner said...

Now that I think about it, I believe I've read some by Paul Wheelahan, too, also very good.

Anonymous said...

Keith Hetherington will be 81 in 11 days' time. His latest Black Horse Western, Renegade's Legacy, was published four days ago under the pen name Rick Dalmas. The "Rick" is for one of his sons; the "Dalmas" for Chandler's pre-Marlowe private-eye. His next BHW (September) will be Hangtree County by Hank J. Kirby. As a correspondent, Keith is a great guy. And, of course, he is one of the unacknowledged greats of westerns and Aussie, pulp-fiction style literature.