This is another yarn about the Mayan prophecy concerning the end of the world in 2012, a subject that either interests you or it doesn’t. I’m not particularly taken by it (the 2012 business, not the book itself). In this case, it’s largely a MacGuffin anyway, as Danielle Laidlaw, an operative for the National Research Institute (a sort of scientific version of the CIA) teams up with a scientist and a mercenary (a guy named Hawker, who’s a terrific character) to chase around Mexico looking for some legendary Mayan stones that hold some sort of secret having to do with a great power that can destroy the world.
There’s not much here you haven’t seen or read before, especially if you’re a fan of James Rollins, but there are some good reasons why BLACK SUN is well worth reading. Brown writes fine action scenes, a requirement in this genre, and as I alluded to above, he’s a good hand with characters as well. I especially liked the relationships between Danielle, McCarter (the scientist), and Hawker, which don’t always play out like you’d expect them to. Any time a writer can make me think, “I didn’t see that coming,” I’m impressed. I also liked the fact that although this is the second book in a series where I haven’t read the first one, I was able to pick up on everything very easily. Brown does a fine job of working in the back-story and making it seem natural. The scientific and historical background gets filled in without any obtrusive infodumps. Throw in plenty of well-paced adventure and a really evil, over-the-top villain, and I’m entertained. That’s the case with BLACK SUN. I suspect there’ll be sequels, and I’ll probably read them.
1 hour ago
I have this book on my extended TBR pile
Thanks for the review, I really enjoyed the book!
I got to meet Graham tonight at the Poisoned Pen in AZ. A very cool, down to earth guy. He assured me that book #3 is on the way, and the word BLACK won't be in the title.
I actually read Black Rain and enjoyed it, though I think it could have been 100 pages shorter. It reminded me a lot of Michael Crichton's Congo (with a fair helping of Sphere thrown in) but the characters are a lot more sympathetic than Crichton's (and no signing gorillas). I do recommend it, but be warned, you might have to push a little to get through the first 150 pages.
I think most thrillers these days could stand to be a little shorter, including the occasional ones I write.
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