I think this is a very dramatic and effective cover by Rudolph Belarski on this issue of LARIAT STORY MAGAZINE. "Real Cowboy Stories by Real Cowboys", the cover copy says. I'm not sure that's 100% true of all the authors in this issue. Walt Coburn and Eugene Cunningham certainly did some cowboying when they were young. I think Stephen Payne may have, too. I don't have any idea about James P. Olsen, Bruce Douglas, Hubert Roussel, or Ralph Condon. And John Starr was a house-name, so I'm pretty sure he never forked a bronc. Whoever really wrote the story attributed to him in this issue may have, though. Real cowboys or not, I think this looks like a fine issue.
Clifton Adams' Whom Gods Destroy
9 hours ago
Stephen Payne was born on a ranch in a "park" in Colorado. He was the son of an English couple, who had come to the US to make a better life for themselves in 1884, and taken up a homestead where Stephen Payne and his brother were born. You can read more about it in his memoir, Where the Rockies Ride Herd, published five years before his death in 1970.
That makes it 3 out of 8 stories by actual cowboys. Good enough for me.
Thanks, Sai. I thought I remembered that Payne was raised on a ranch. I'll check out that memoir!
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