I don't own this one, but that's a heck of a cover and I'd read it if I had a copy. I don't know who did the art. Tom Lovell, maybe? But there's no doubt the line-up of authors is great: Walt Coburn, Harry F. Olmsted (three times, twice as himself and once with a Tensleep Maxon story as by Bart Cassidy), Ray Nafziger, Cliff Farrell, Robert E. Mahaffey, and Lloyd Eric Reeve. That's an All-Star bunch of Western pulpsters. And yet, it's just another issue of DIME WESTERN. What an era that was.
Straight Between The Eyes
10 hours ago
The cover could be by Lovell, but I'm leaning towards it being the work of R. G. Harris, who often used his wife as a model for the lady on the cover.
Yes, it does look like Harris's work. I'd forgotten about him. Definitely possible.
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