WESTERN ADVENTURES was Street & Smith's third-string Western pulp after WESTERN STORY and WILD WEST WEEKLY, but it had plenty of good authors and stories in it. This issue features yarns from Brad Buckner (really Ed Earl Repp) and Rolland C. Lynch (rumored to have ghosted for Ed Earl Repp), plus William R. Cox, Nels Leroy Jorgensen, Jim Kjelgaard, M. Howard Lane, and Kenneth L. Sinclair, none of whom have anything to do with Ed Earl Repp, as far as I know.
Minding the Gap (2018)
2 hours ago
"Third-string Western pulp" is an interesting concept. Did the Street & Smith editors assign good, but not great stories to Western Adventures? Or, did writers submit specifically to Western Adventures?
I don't know. It probably depended on the editorial set-up at Street & Smith. If the same editor edited all three magazines, writers probably just submitted to him and he put the stories he accepted where he thought they fit the best. If they had different editors, some writers probably developed a personal relationship with whoever handled WESTERN ADVENTURES and would submit to him directly. It's also possible, if they had different editors, that the WESTERN STORY editor might pass along stories to the WESTERN ADVENTURES editor if he thought they weren't quite good enough for his magazine but might work for WESTERN ADVENTURES. The tone was different at WILD WEST WEEKLY and I suspect writers slanted stories specifically for it.
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