Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Story, August 16, 1941
I don't think I've ever run across a Western pulp cover depicting a gunfight in the middle of a stampede . . . until now. Because that's what you've got on this issue of WESTERN STORY, in a cover by the prolific H.W. Scott. Inside are stories by some of the best Western writers from that era: Walt Coburn, Harry Sinclair Drago, Philip Ketchum, Frank Richardson Pierce, Bennett Foster, and Lee Floren. There are plenty of good reasons why WESTERN STORY was one of the best Western pulps, and there's a handful of 'em right there.
Around this period, in the late thirties and early forties, many of the covers showed scenes and images from unusual angles. This cover shows the gunfight from above. But I guess the readers liked the usual scenes of regular gunfights and the covers returned to the standard images.
There is a part of me that wishes I were around back then to read these gems. Know my maternal grandfather read them, and enjoyed them. Doris
That's quite a list of authors. Some of the best!
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