I'm not really familiar with artist James B. Settles, but I like the cover he did for this issue of AMAZING STORIES. Not only that, it illustrates a Ray Bradbury story I'd never even heard of, let alone read. If you want to read it, and the rest of the issue, it's available here. Also with stories in this issue are Emil Petaja, Stanton A. Coblentz, Berkely Livingston (twice, as himself and as Lester Barclay), Don Wilcox, Helmar Lewis (Louis Herman), C.A. Baldwin, Donald Bern, and George Tashman. (I never heard of those last four guys, either.)
Bartsch Covers
5 hours ago
1 comment:
Settles isn't credited with much illustration work in the pulps, although he did some wonderful back covers for AMAZING. He also did a few front covers and one or two black and white interior illustrations. Here's a link: http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?24744 What is listed here as "interior art" are really color pieces seen on back covers. Cheers!
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