World Explorer Magazine
My friend Chris La Tray sent me the latest issue of a magazine I didn’t know existed: WORLD EXPLORER. It features a fine article by Chris about the Gabriel Hunt series, and there are plenty of other reasons to recommend it as well. WORLD EXPLORER and its associated website focus on historical and archeological mysteries, as well as the fascinating field of cryptozoology. In addition to the articles featured on the cover, there are numerous columns and departments such as “News From the Frontiers of Natural Science”, with subjects ranging from speculation about the actual construction of Noah’s Ark to the possibility of finding water on Mars, and “Crypto Corner”, which leads off with a story about the search for the Malaysian version of Bigfoot. Whether or not you believe in such things doesn’t really matter. WORLD EXPLORER is a very well-written and attractive magazine, and even though I’m pretty skeptical about some of the subject matter, I had a great time reading this issue.
There’s also a long section on new books about ancient science and technology, lost cities, and archeology, many of which might make good research books for authors of adventure fiction, horror, SF, steampunk, etc. Check it out, and don’t be surprised if you find yourself considering becoming a member of the World Explorers Club. I know I am.
Yes, I tend to look at WORLD EXPLORER as somewhere between FATE and PARABOLA, when I've seen it...but it Is pretty amusing that they're running a piece on the Hunt novels.
Paging Captain Spaulding.
James, thanks for the mention!
They did a big piece on Doc Savage a couple issues ago. When I saw that, I thought Gabriel Hunt would be a good fit for the people who are into what they're doing, and they went for it. I think it's fun stuff, and they are cool people to work with. I enjoy the heck out of it.
Just yesterday, I penned the acknowledgements for my upcoming novel, and mentioned David Hatcher Childress as one of my sources of information...or perhaps more accurately, inspiration. I know he's involved with WEX. I will have to get a sub to this magazine.
Sean, Childress is the founder of WEX, and a pretty great guy if my email correspondence is any indication. Oddly enough, he actually graduated from Sentinel High School here in my home of Missoula, MT. Sentinel is just down the street from where I live.
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