For the first half of the book, the focus is on Freddy Builder, the manager of the china department in a downtown Philadelphia department store. Freddy is an aspiring writer, and when he reconnects with Mindi Quintana, a woman he dated briefly in college who is now an editor for a literary magazine, Freddy is convinced that it’s fate. Not only is he going to be published and become famous for his writing, but he’s also going to make Mindi fall in love with him.
Well, of course things don’t work out that way, and since the title itself is a spoiler, it comes as no surprise when Freddy winds up murdering Mindi, although Cohen generates some decent suspense by making the reader wonder when and how the murder is going to take place.
Once it does, the legal thriller part of the book kicks in. Freddy is arrested quickly for the crime and prosecuted by a politically ambitious young assistant district attorney. The public defender assigned to Freddy’s case becomes the central character in this portion of the novel, as he struggles not only with the legal part of the case but also its ethical ramifications, because Freddy, while in jail awaiting trial, starts to write about what happened and becomes what he always wanted to be: a famous author. All he had to do was kill for it.
As a first-time author, Cohen sometimes has a little trouble keeping his plot moving along at the sort of pace I enjoy, and some of the book is so bizarre and almost surreal, especially the department store scenes, that they didn’t really work for me. However, he’s created some interesting characters and come up with enough plot twists and the occasional really good line that I was happy to keep reading. And the final resolution of the case is pretty satisfying, too. THE KILLING OF MINDI QUINTANA is a solid debut novel that promises even better things to come from Jeffrey A. Cohen.
Hard to imagine how a department store scene could be bizarre, but I'll certainly take your word for it. I hope nothing untoward was happing to the china, nor the manikins.
Thanks for the honest review! I'm glad you found the book to be a solid debut. We really appreciate you being on the tour- thanks so much!
I am really intrigued with this post and I recentely watched a video that covered this book and I have added this book to my list of books that I need to read. For me the fact that this is based on a true-life story makes this book even that more intriguing. I hear time after time people that are released from the justice system and they go back to commit another crime. I spend five years doing prison ministries and I worked with men that were going to be released back into society. Unfortunately the prison system is understaffed to truly change the person from being a criminal, they are staffed to provide care and safety, but their resources are stretched thin to really rehabilitate the criminal. Those that I did counsel did move back into society and didn’t return to a criminal behavior. I would guess this an emotional read and one that I would like to add to my library. His next book A Plea for Leniency also has an intriguing title.
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