Hey, I like singing, dancing penguins as much as the next guy. But I have to admit that I didn’t care much for this movie. It’s not bad, mind you. The animation is spectacular, and the music is good. The big penguin production numbers are probably the best thing in the movie. But it never quite settles down to a consistent tone, bouncing back and forth awkwardly between goofy animated comedy and screed against the evils of humanity. Also, a little of Robin Williams sometimes goes a long way for me, and at times it seems like he voices every other character in HAPPY FEET. I think I was the only one in our household who didn’t like the movie, though, so maybe I’m out of step . . . or maybe I was just in a curmudgeonly mood when I watched it.
I liked HAPPY FEET better than CARS, though. All of us hated CARS.
I liked CARS.
And I've been informed that not all of us in the Reasoner household hated CARS. I let my tendency toward hyperbole get the best of me.
I saw CARS on a plane without sound, but it didn't intrigue me enough to seek out a copy. My daughter might like it, since she's now heavily into animated pictures. She really loved both ICE AGES, while I thought they were only okay.
I liked both ICE AGE movies quite a bit. Also liked ROBOTS, ANTZ, MONSTERS INC., stuff like that. And both Shrek movies were great. I think I've just been in a grumpy mood lately. And no, that's not a Seven Dwarfs reference.
I'm more fond of older animations and I've always thought that there's something too cute about Disney's films from 1950 or so on. Give me DUMBO anytime! The most I've liked the Warner and MGM shorts, with Bugs Bunny and especially Daffy Duck who's always been a hero. But, as based on what I've written on my blog, you know that I'm also a sucker for more artful animation from Europe and Canada and other countries.
I love the Warner Brothers cartoons, especially the ones with Bugs Bunny, who's one of my all-time heroes. Wonderful stuff.
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