Sunday, October 09, 2005

Miss Gatorfest

The Queens of Smalltown Texas

"Miss Gatorfest, Anahuac, Texas

Ashley Rhodes, 17, stands in a pink satiny dress and a tiara, not a bit ruffled by the freshly killed alligator hanging from a weigh-in cable beside her.

It is the middle of September's alligator hunting season, and that means it's Gatorfest time in Anahuac, a Gulf Coast town near the mouth of the Trinity River. Hunters will win Gatorfest prizes for the largest reptile hauled in."

My question is: Does Bill Crider know about this?

1 comment:

mybillcrider said...

Yes. I've never been to the Gatorfest, but I've clipped a few of the ads for it that appear in the Houston Chronicle.