Anyone who knows me knows that I am nothing if not a fashionista. Seriously, we watched THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA tonight, or rather, the rest of the family watched it. I, uh, dozed off for most of the movie. Actually, from what I saw it seemed like a fairly good film. The cinematography looked great, I liked the music on the soundtrack (what I heard of it), and Anne Hathaway is a really nice-looking young woman. Livia said she expected a blog post on the movie, even though I slept through a lot of it, so that's about all I can honestly report.
I had already decided, though, to at least mention all the movies we watch this year, whether I have anything intelligent to say about them or not. I think we all know which category this post falls into.
I was kidding.
That movie was alright. I didn't like how the boss was. I thought she could have been nicer...
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