Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Leading Western, June 1946

I feel like I should know who did the cover on this issue of LEADING WESTERN. Somebody here or on Facebook will tell me, and I'll update the post. Meanwhile, there's a strong lineup of Western pulpsters in this one: Philip Ketchum, Laurence Donovan, Giff Cheshire, John Reese (as John Jo Carpenter), and Jhan Robbins, along with house-name Randolph Barr. Looks like a solid issue. 


Anonymous said...

Looks more like Rudolph Belarski than Raphael De Soto to me, Jim, but I’m not entirely sure it’s him either. Pretty nice cover in any case.


James Reasoner said...

I'm thinking maybe Joseoh Szokoli.

James Reasoner said...

Or even Joseph Szokoli.