Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Startling Stories, March 1949
That's an Earle Bergey cover on this issue of STARTLING STORIES, of course, and I can see why Bergey's work moved copies off the newsstands while annoying some of the more serious-minded SF fans at the same time. However, I don't see how anybody can argue with the line-up of authors in this issue: Ray Bradbury, Jack Vance, Clifford D. Simak, Murray Leinster, Noel Loomis, L. Ron Hubbard (writing as Rene Lafayette), and Robert Moore Williams. I'm sure it was a very entertaining issue.
Great cover.
The good news? i have a complete run of this pulp that has been scanned onto CD.
Some decent stories in this issue. I have a fair run of this title. Just checked my index and my run is complete from 1943 on.
I ran across the Leinster “Black Galaxy” in an early paperback published as a Galaxy magazine novel. Galaxy did 20 or 30 of those, including many classics. As a kid, this one knocked me out. Loved it.
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