Writing Update
Today's wordage was 2413. Not terrible. It probably would have been more, but I spent part of the day working on writing stuff that didn't produce any actual words. This was my 19th straight day to work, which is probably not good. I've never been the write-every-day type. I like my days off, at least one each week and two is better. Some writers work Monday through Friday and take the weekends off. I've never really done that, either. I'd rather have my days off during the week, and usually not two days in a row. I like a schedule that has me taking Monday and Friday off and working on the weekend and the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday stretch. That never happens week in and week out, though, because real life tends not to cooperate and as a result things are more haphazard. We'll see if I get a full day off this week. I'm not counting on it.
I'll be taking next week off from work, and I'll probably be spending most of that time writing or working on writing-related projects. It'll be my experiment at being a "full-time writer", to see how productive (or not productive) I'd be with five full weekdays.
Is obsessing about your daily word count helping your writing or just making you worry more about it? I hear that among people trying to lose weight that daily weighing causes more problems than it's worth. The occasional weighing tells you were you're going without the obsessing that daily weighing causes.
It's hard to say. I was struggling some before I started doing these updates, and I still am, so in that way it hasn't really helped. But it doesn't seem to have hurt anything, either.
And of course, if I wasn't obsessing about words or pages, I'd just be obsessing about something else.
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