Although knowing me, I'm just as likely to be checking email or playing chess as I am actually producing any pages. I'll try to post another picture once I get the rest of the room filled up with books.
Actually, this was my first full day working in the new office, and I had a better day than I'd been having elsewhere. Writers get funny things in their heads. I was convinced it would help to be facing north again, with a window over my right shoulder, just like it was in my old studio. We'll see.
Actually, this was my first full day working in the new office, and I had a better day than I'd been having elsewhere. Writers get funny things in their heads. I was convinced it would help to be facing north again, with a window over my right shoulder, just like it was in my old studio. We'll see.
Based on your output, I'm a little skeptical about your claim to be reading blogs or surfing the web. :)
I'm sometimes easily distracted with GNU WinBoard chess. It's an older version I have but still impossible to beat.
I thought it looked a little sparce...
Does it really matter whether the window light comes over your right or left shoulder? Do you spend a lot of time looking out the window when you should be writing?
It's a little bigger than Howard's writing room but about the same level of austere.
It doesn't really matter where the light comes from or which direction I'm facing. I know that logically, because I've written successfully in all sorts of settings. But sometimes I think writers are as superstitious as ballplayers, and I'm definitely set in my ways.
By the way, the plans are to have both walls lined with bookshelves. I'll also have a real desk and a recliner and a good reading light. But one step at a time, and while all that is in the works, I can still be turning out some pages.
I'm envious - what a cool shaped room.
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