Revenge of the Sith
I know, I know. I'm the last person in the world to see the final (supposedly) Star Wars movie. I thought it had a few nice moments and was better than the second one in this trilogy. I've never managed to stay awake all the way through that one. Overall, though, I wasn't impressed. In fact, I think this entire second trilogy has a fatal flaw: Lucas is asking us to watch three long, glacially paced, confusingly plotted movies so he can tell us a story to which we already know the ending before he ever starts. I think I would have been a lot more enthusiastic about the movies if he had gone forward instead of backward. But that's just me.
You;re ahead of me, James. I haven't watched a Star Wars movie in decades. Don't know why; guess I just haven't felt compelled to.
Right on, James. Like a buddy and me said after we saw Ep. 3: "We waited 25 years for this mess?"
I thought it was pretty good. I actually think it got really good starting with the scene where Mace Windu goes to arrest the Chancellor. Technically, the movie looks stunning on a tv set with a good player and has a rousing good 5.1 dolby digital track through most of the film.
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