I remember quite vividly picking up the first book in a new Western series called The Gunsmith at a newsstand on the west side of Fort Worth more than forty years ago. The book was called MACKLIN’S WOMEN, and the author was J.R. Roberts. However, I already knew that J.R. Roberts was really Robert J. Randisi because Bob and I were already friends through correspondence and the occasional phone call. He had sent me a copy of his first novel, the private eye yarn THE DISAPPEARANCE OF PENNY, and I enjoyed it so I was eager to read his first Western. MACKLIN’S WOMEN didn’t disappoint me. As always with Bob’s work, it was dialogue-driven and very fast-paced, and it was written in first person, a refreshing change from most other Western series. (Only the first dozen or so books are in first person. I read and enjoyed all of them as they came out.)
Well, most of you know what happened. The Gunsmith went on to become a huge
success as one of the so-called Big Four Adult Western series (the others being
Longarm, Slocum, and The Trailsman), running for more than forty years and four
hundred novels. Unlike the others, The Gunsmith was a creator-owned series and
didn’t belong to the publishing company, so when it was canceled at Penguin
along with the others, Bob was able to take it elsewhere and continue writing
new entries. The Gunsmith rolled along for several more years, a new book every
month like clockwork, before health issues slowed down Bob’s production. But he
continued writing Gunsmith novels.
Bob passed away last fall, after what appears will be the final Gunsmith novel,
INVITATION TO A BANK ROBBERY, was published last summer. Since I read the first
book all those years ago, I realized I ought to read the last one, as well,
even though I’m nowhere close to reading the entire series.
As this book begins, Clint Adams, the gunfighter and adventurer known as The
Gunsmith, arrives in the small town of Kennelworth, Utah, looking for what he
always seeks: a little peace and quiet. You know, of course, that’s not going
to happen, and before you know it, Clint has been invited to turn outlaw and
join in a bank robbery being planned by a couple of would-be crooks. Things get
a lot more complicated than that as the plot races along. There are shootouts
and beautiful women and double-crosses and a very effective twist ending. It’s
highly entertaining, as the Gunsmith books always are. This was one of my
father’s favorite series, and as he told me once, “You know you’re always going
to have a good time reading a Gunsmith book.”
It's clear that this wasn’t intended to be the final Gunsmith novel. The title
of the next one planned for the series can be found at the end. However,
without getting into spoiler territory, as this book draws to a close, Clint
Adams is contemplating making a change in his life, and although this is
complete speculation, I think Bob may have figured the next book would be the
last one. As is, the series draws to a satisfactory conclusion, and reading it
is certainly a bittersweet experience for me. Too many good friends and good
writers have been lost to us too early, and Bob Randisi falls into both those
categories. If you’re a fan of his work, I give INVITATION TO A BANK ROBBERY a
high recommendation. It’s available on Amazon in e-book and paperback editions,
as are most of the other books in the series, almost 500 of them!
One of m y favorite western authors,sad that Randisi is gone. But we have almost 500 Gunsmiths to reread.
Love the Gunsmith series and the Headstone PI series he had started recently. I remember in a Facebook group he was talking about writing some sword and sorcery. Do you know if he did? It would be a great read I'm sure.
Not really sword and sorcery, but he did a fantasy novel in collaboration with Kevin D. Randle called ONCE UPON A MURDER that had a 1930s private eye transported to a fantasy realm. As far as I know, that's as close as Bob ever came to sword and sorcery, or fantasy and science fiction of any sort, for that matter.
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