Okay, who painted this cover, H.W. Scott or A. Leslie Ross? I can't make up my mind. I don't own this pulp, but I do have a paperback copy of the novel featured in this issue of WESTERN ACTION, "The Lost Buckaroo" by Bliss Lomax, who, of course, was really Harry Sinclair Drago. I haven't read the novel, but I believe it features his series characters, railroad detectives Rainbow Ripley and Grumpy Gibbs. Also in this issue are stories by Gerry Walker (his only credit in the FMI), the prolific Harry Van Demark, and Harold Preece, who I know mostly as a friend and correspondent of Robert E. Howard. I don't think I've ever read any of his fiction.
Library Additions: Seven Signed Jack Vance PBOs
5 hours ago
Honestly, it could be either of them. This isn’t enough to base a firm guess on, but the guy in the foreground catching a bullet ? The agonized fingers on both his hands kinda remind me Dick Benson’s hands on the November 1940 cover of THE AVENGER. So…Scott, maybe?
David Saunders’ PULP ARTISTS site doesn’t list WESTERN ACTION as one of Scott’s markets, but it does say that Ross did some work for them. Over at GALACTIC CENTRAL , it looks like Ross (or someone who painted a LOT like him) did quite a few covers for them, including most of the other WESTERN ACTION covers for 1948. So…now I’m leaning ‘probably Ross’.
I lean probably Ross, as well. It might be easier to tell if either guy still had his hat on.
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