You never know what you're going to find in a sarcophagus, as Rafael DeSoto illustrates on this cover. Over the years I've read quite a few stories that first appeared in TEN DETECTIVE ACES, but I've never read or even owned an actual issue of the pulp. Plenty of fine fiction appeared there. Authors in this issue include Frederick C. Davis (with a Moon Man story), Paul Chadwick (with a Wade Hammond story), Emile C. Tepperman (with a Marty Quade story), Tepperman again as Anthony Clemens (with a Val Easton story), Joe Archibald (with a Dizzy Duo story), and non-series yarns by Harry Widmer, Margie Harris, and J. Lane Linklater. There are a bunch of issues of this pulp available on the Internet Archive. I ought to read some of them.
34 minutes ago
Hey James. Once every five or ten years I urge you to read some Frederick C. Davis Moon Man stories.
I seem to recall you posting the cover of the only issue of Ten Detective Aces that I own but I can't find it on your blog so maybe my aging memory is failing me.
Keep swinging,
John Hocking
John, I actually have the first Moon Man story open on my Kindle right now and plan to start reading it later today. It's well past time I should have gotten to this series.
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