This movie is at least a decade old, but I didn’t see it when it came out, so it was new to me. If you can buy Wesley Snipes and Dennis Miller as Washington, D.C., homicide cops and the always gorgeous Diane Lane as a Secret Service agent, it’s a pretty passable thriller about a gory murder inside the White House, followed by all the political intrigue of the cops trying to solve the case while various Washington insiders are trying to cover it up. The supporting cast is good, the action sequences are fairly exciting, and while the plot twists get pretty silly toward the end, it never quite reaches the level of eye-rolling ludicrousness. And I stayed awake all the way through it, which regular readers of this blog know is never a given. Overall, I liked it and had a good time for a couple of hours watching it.
Rediscovered: A Little Birthday Treat
2 hours ago
I remember seeing it when it first came out on video and thinking if this really happened at the White House, the public wouldn't be as shocked as they once were. Maybe that's why it lost a little impact as a result. The movie has some good intrigue but it never takes it to the next level.
Yup, I enjoyed this movie to the extent that I usually catch parts ofit when its shown again.I admire the fact that they never even hinted at a romance between Snipes and Lane.
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