
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Bill Crider Prize for Short Fiction/Bouchercon Anthology

Bill Crider and James Reasoner, Jackson, Wyoming, 1992
As most if not all of you know, Bill Crider was one of my best friends for many, many years, and Bouchercon is honoring his memory with the Bill Crider Prize for Short Fiction. You can find all the details on this page, but here are some highlights.


  • First Prize: $1000
  • Second Prize: $750
  • Third Prize: $500
  • Bill Crider Memorial Scholarship: Registration to Bouchercon 2020


  • Open to all writers regardless of Bouchercon registration or residency
  • Stories must be an original work, not previously published, submitted anonymously (as provided in these rules), and without identifiable series characters
  • Theme: Deep in the Heart (relating to Texas, whether locale, characters, history, etc.) with an element of mystery or crime
Lots more info on the Bouchercon page.

Also this from Rick Ollerman regarding the convention anthology:

Attention Writers and Attendees of the 50th Anniversary Bouchercon, 2019:

YES, there will be an anthology this year! And yes, you can submit a story for consideration as long as you’re a registered conference attendee! Here’s all you need to know:

– One of Bouchercon 50’s goals is to make the largest charitable contribution in the history of the conference. All proceeds from the sale of the books will go toward that effort! LIFT, Literary Instruction For Texas, works to enhance and strengthen communities by teaching adults to read. And Bouchercon gets to help in that mission this year!

– For a theme, think no further than the conference slogan: Denim, Diamonds, and Death!

–  Original stories are vastly preferred. Absolutely no reprints, please.

– Stories should be less than five thousand words. Approximately. Sort of. But you know writers.

–  The book itself will once again be published by the fine folks at Down & Out Books.

–  The deadline for all stories will be June 1st.

If you think you’ve got the story for the anthology, not just a story, please send it to We’ll have the book for sale in the book room with some signings and hopefully we’ll be able to make a meaningful contribution to LIFT as well as showcase some of the amazing talent in the Bouchercon writing community.

I plan to be in attendance at this Bouchercon, only the second one I've ever been to, and it would be great to meet some of you there.


  1. It kills me that not only is Bouchercon in Texas this year (only a 4-hour drive), but it coincides with Halloween, one of my boy's fav holidays and the last of which my boy will be home for. Any other year, I'm there. But this year, with these personal moments, means I'll have to skip.

  2. Dallas, huh? I made it to Bouchercon when it was in Austin. I'm going to have to try to make this one.

  3. I just checked the dates. That's the same weekend as the World Fantasy Convention. I'll Dallas over Los Angeles.

  4. Well, this is beside any remotely tangential point, but that's a pretty good picture of you there, James.
    It's clear that your skin has been "permanently bronzed by years of exposure to tropical suns and arctic winds".


  5. I like that! I was described once by another friend as having "the steely eyes of a gunfighter". I liked that, too. Actually, of course, I'm just a guy who sits in a room and types, but we all have our dreams.
