
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Overlooked Movies: Hearts Beat Loud (2018)

I watched this movie because I’m a fan of Nick Offerman’s droll sense of humor and delivery. He’s one of those guys who’s just funny no matter what he’s saying. And he’s a decent actor on top of it, so I was hoping HEARTS BEAT LOUD would be worth watching, although I’m always a little leery of indie comedy/dramas. They always have the potential to a) not be funny, and b) get too pretentious.

I’m happy to report that HEARTS BEAT LOUD is at least mildly amusing at times, has likable characters, and moves right along with the story. Offerman plays the owner of a vintage record store, a single, widowed dad whose teenage daughter is about to move across the country to go to college. They’re both heavily into music, Offerman having been in a band with his late wife when they were younger, and he doesn’t really want his daughter to leave so he tries to get her to stay and form a band with him. He uploads a song they wrote together and it becomes popular, so he has some leverage to persuade her to abandon her college plans.

That’s pretty much the whole plot, since this movie is mostly about the music and the characters, but it’s done well and comes to a satisfactory conclusion. It’s about music, not writing, but the stuff about being creative resonated with me. I thought a few of the scenes went on a little too long, but that’s a minor complaint. Mostly, HEARTS BEAT LOUD is just a pleasant little film with its heart in the right place. If that’s what you’re looking for, there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. A perfect summation. Nice way to pass two hours but doesn't have much afterglow.
