
Monday, December 25, 2017

The Art of the Pulps: An Illustrated History - Douglas Ellis, Ed Hulse, Robert Weinberg, eds.

I’ve had this oversized volume for a while now and have been reading it here and there, taking my time and enjoying the many beautiful reproductions of some great pulp covers. Finally finished it, and to use a cliche, I hated to see it end. While the art (mostly covers but some interior illustrations, too) is the focus of THE ART OF THE PULPS, as you’d expect from that title, there are also some very well-written and informative articles on various genres, artists, and writers from the pulps, contributed by the three editors as well as noted pulp scholars Will Murray, Mike Ashley, Laurie Powers, Tom Roberts, David Saunders, Michelle Nolan, and John Wooley. I really can’t emphasize enough what a beautiful book this is, or how it’s essential reading for pulp fans. It’s one of the best books I read this year, and I give it my highest recommendation. If you got an Amazon gift card for Christmas, I can’t think of a better way to spend it. (Unless you want to buy some of my books, of course!)

1 comment:

  1. I've had this on the shelf for a while, and have browsed it but not read it. Thanks for the reminder, James, and Merry Christmas.
