
Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Books

I hope everyone had as good a Christmas as I did today. All four of us were together, the food was plentiful and delicious, I even got a little work done early, and there was some top-notch reading material under the tree, among other things. It was a fine Christmas, and tonight I count myself among the luckiest of fellows.


  1. Nice haul from Santa. The only one I have is the Hammett collection. My one book under the tree today was Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz.

  2. I have 'em all except Moon Man, but have yet to read any. It's a common problem around here.

  3. Nice haul, James. Merry Xmas, indeed.

    Curious as to how you'll like the Moon Man. I recall reacting with disbelief when you wrote something about not having read any of his adventures a few years back.
    (That would be here, in the comments. I do go on a bit...)

    Atmospheric and engaging, I like these tales so much that I'm still lingering over the last few of them years later.

    John Hocking

  4. Rick,
    Too many books and not enough time is an ongoing problem around here, too. So what did I do today? Well, Half Price Books is having a sale, so I went out and bought more books . . .

    Frederick C. Davis has become one of my favorite pulp authors. I always liked his work, but I've come to appreciate it even more in recent years. I'm sure I'll read all of those Moon Man stories eventually. I'm looking forward to them.

  5. Judging by the "companion" books, you've made Tom Johnson happy, too.

    I bought the Moon Man one for myself last summer. So, I got to finally read his first story nearly ten years after I wrote a story about him for Airship-27. I bet you will like the character. But, the stories work better read some time apart, rather than right in a row.

  6. With collections like this, I nearly always space the stories out and read them between other books.

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