
Saturday, December 09, 2017

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Novel and Short Stories, October 1956

Well, that's one of the oddest Western pulp covers I've run across. I'm not sure I actually like it, but it's certainly eye-catching. The artwork is by Stanley Borack, who did the covers for a bunch of men's adventure magazines. Inside this issue of WESTERN NOVEL AND SHORT STORIES are stories by Elmore Leonard, Noel Loomis, S. Omar Barker, Edwin Booth, John H. Latham, and William Vance, which is a fairly strong line-up of writers.


  1. One of the last of the pulps and in fact the next issue, January 1957 would be the last one. The magazine lasted over 20 years starting in the thirties.

  2. Cover kind-of hits you right between the eyes! (yuk,yuk)

  3. Cover was also used on a mid Fifties Pocket Book edition. (Cannot recall the title/number although I have the book somewhere here.)

  4. It's SHOWDOWN by Allan Vaughan Elston, Pocket Books #1103, which I didn't know until someone pointed it out to me today. I have some of Elston's novels but not that one.
