
Saturday, December 09, 2017

A Million Words and Counting

Today I reached a million words written for the year, for the 13th year in a row. Superstitious? Who, me? But I think there's a good chance I'll try for that mark again next year, and hey, if you're gonna write a million words a year for 14 straight years, you might as well go for 15, am I right?


  1. I remember two or three years ago you said you were going to slow down and not hit a million words. Hah!

  2. As long as there are words left in the cupboards and silos for others to use, as well...please, feel free! Congratulations, and good luck in making it fifteen in a row!

  3. You're an inspiration for a rookie writer like me, James. How many books did the million words translate into?

  4. That's eight solo novels and six collaborative novels so far. Plus I intend to have most of another novel done by the end of the year, so that'll be 70-80,000 more words.

  5. You are an inspiration for those of us who struggle to write ten words a year!

  6. James...I have nothing to say but WOW. I admire you so much. I can't even imagine keeping that kind of writing schedule. You are amazing. AND an inspiration!

  7. I hope you don't sneeze next year and fall 10,000 words short. My hat is off to you.

  8. That's really impressive. Let's see, working every day that would be a little over 2700 a day, which is feasible to contemplate... except I have days when I have to do nothing but revise, or days when I have to pace around and work on the outline, or days when the wife needs me to fix something...

    I assume you have the same, so it's probably not a straight 27 (and something) thousand words each day. It's probably more like 4k on most days so that you can address the occasional interruption.

    That's dedication, and organization, and finely honed skill, and I bow in your direction.

  9. I've never been a "write every day" kind of writer. A good day is 3500 to 4000 words. I also do a fair amount of half-days where I get about 2000 words and spend the rest of the day doing real-life stuff. I never go more than a couple of days in a row without writing, though, unless I absolutely can't help it, and generally it's just one day off and then back to it.
