
Sunday, January 07, 2024

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1953

I usually think of Walter Popp as a paperback cover artist, but he did some pulp covers, too, including this one for THRILLING WONDER STORIES. Inside are stories by Murray Leinster, Chad Oliver (always nice to see a pulp with a story in it by someone I've actually met), Kris Neville, Wallace West, John Christopher, and a couple of lesser-known authors, R.J. McGregor and J.W. Groves. If you'd like to read this issue, it's available on the Luminist League website here.


  1. Tough to go wrong with Murray Leinster. Man is a legend.

  2. And by this time, TWS was about to be folded and its publisher, as you know, was going to be primarily Paperback Library...albeit running a very irregular pulp-sized reprint magazine drawing heavily from TWS and STARTLING STORIES, TREASURY OF GREAT SCIENCE FICTION STORIES, released as PL items in essentially magazine format.
