
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Half a Million Words and Counting

I used to tell people that if I was writing half a million words a year, I'd feel like I was retired. What that cocky comment failed to take into account was that my productivity could erode to the point where it takes twice as long to get anything done. So today I hit the half-million word mark for the year, but I don't feel retired. I just feel tired.

But at the same time, I tell myself, hey, half a million words isn't bad. I'm still turning out books and they're not terrible (I hope). So I guess I'll keep at it for a while yet. Still have stories to tell.


  1. I haven't figured up my word count for the year but it's likely to be in the neighborhood of a couple hundred thousand. Half a mil is still pretty fine

  2. There can be no shame in it, of course (how many bylines involved?). I was struck in seeing a documentary about the Shanghai String Quartet today in which one member noted, "As you get older, you have to practice more." Well, damn. Ain't it the truth.

  3. Let's see . . . four names including my own, I think.
