
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Repost and RIP: The Sleazy Side of the Street - Guest Blog by Brian Ritt

I just saw on Facebook that Brian Ritt has passed away. This comes as a real surprise. I knew Brian had been battling health problems for years, but we'd been in touch in recent months and I knew he was planning to return to teaching and had publishing plans as well, perhaps for a new edition of his great reference book PAPERBACK CONFIDENTIAL and maybe even finishing a crime novel of his own he'd been working on for a while. He was a friendly, enthusiastic guy who wrote several guest posts for this blog, including the one linked to below. I've always thought that it played a major part in the revival of interest in the work of Orrie Hitt. Rest in peace, Brian. 

Rough Edges: The Sleazy Side of the Street - Guest Blog by Brian Ritt: (Thanks to Brian Ritt for a fine examination of the life and work of Orrie Hitt.)

1 comment:

  1. Condolences, to you and his family and other friends.
