
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Ranch Romances, First May Number 1957

This cowgirl's got a good-sized problem in that big cat. I don't know the artist, but whoever it was provided a nice dramatic cover for this issue of RANCH ROMANCES. W.T. Ballard appears twice inside, with a serial installment under his Todhunter Ballard name and a novella as Parker Bonner, plus stories by J.L. Bouma and the almost forgotten Art Kercheval, Margery Bradshaw, and Ted Escott.


  1. Do you suppose the artist could be Clarence Doore?
    He was doing covers for Men’s Adventure Mags around the same time. It looks like it might be his style and the girl looks like one of his creations as well.

    John Hocking

  2. Good catch! The blonde looks right, and I found one of his men's magazine covers with a mountain lion on it that looks similar, too. I'll bet it is Doore's work.
