
Monday, November 15, 2021

A Million Words and Counting, One Last time

I knew I was approaching a million words again this year, but I've been so busy I just forgot about it. So it slipped by me on Saturday when I passed that mark for the 17th straight year. This is actually the earliest I've achieved that in several years. There had been some rough patches this year, but some really productive stretches, too. However (and stop me if you've heard this before; on second thought, don't), this will be the end of the streak. When Rough Edges Press was relaunched as part of Wolfpack Publishing and I agreed to stay on as the editor, I knew that job would take up a lot of my writing time. I still had (and still have) quite a few writing commitments, so I've been juggling both jobs for the past couple months and will continue to do so through much of next year. But I don't have as many books under contract anymore, so I can start easing out of that full-time writing schedule over the next six months or so.

Of course, one should never say never. I have several books of my own I'd like to write, so who knows how much I'll find the time to do. Really, though, I expect my output to be more like half a million words.

As always, thanks to Livia, Shayna, and Joanna for making everything I do possible, not just the writing, and to all the editors over the years who have put their trust in me, and most of all to the readers who enjoy my books and stories. You've all made this journey a lot of fun.


  1. Congrats on another milestone, James! You are truly an inspiration.

  2. I suppose half a million will have to do us.

  3. You are a writing machine. In your spare time you should write a book on the craft of writing....

  4. Congratulations James on an amazing achievement.

  5. As you throttle back all that wonderful productivity, maybe you can find time to double or triple the books you read so you can post even more great book reviews!

    Thanks for all the years of enjoyable blog posts!

    -Will R.

  6. A mere half -million, and editing...taking up golf, I assume...

    Good luck with the less-demanding schedule, James!
