
Sunday, May 02, 2021

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Marvel Science Stories, August 1939

There's a lot going on in this cover by J.W. Scott. I like it. This issue of MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES features stories by authors I've heard of but read very little or nothing by: Frederick Arnold Kummer Jr., R.R. Winterbotham, R. DeWitt Miller, Lloyd Arthur Eshbach, and Harl Vincent.

1 comment:

  1. While STRANGE STORIES looked more like a shudder pulp than it was, MARVEL, as you probably know, was for a few issues the closest to a spicy/shudder pulp sf was to see for a while, though I think this was a later issue, with a fairly good lineup of journeyman pulp sf writers for the time. Eshbach also wrote a good short memoir of his work as writer and small-press publisher in the pulp era.
