
Saturday, April 10, 2021

Saturday Morning Bonus Pulp: Double Action Western, November 1944

What did I tell you about those Old West barber shops? It just wasn't safe going into those places, as the cover on this issue of DOUBLE ACTION WESTERN proves. This issue has only three stories in it, a novel by Galen C. Colin, an author I've never read, and short stories by Chuck Martin, whose work I've read and enjoyed in the past, and Basil Wells, an author I'd never even heard of. But a quick check of the Fictionmags Index reveals that Wells broke into the pulps in 1940 and as still writing stories for small press magazines as late as the Nineties! There weren't very many pulpsters still active at that point.


  1. If you look in this website you'll find infos about Galen C. Colin.

    In case you have a copy of "The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, an illustrated A to Z" by Peter Nicholls, 1979 you'll find infos about Basil Wells.

    Tiziano Agnelli


  2. Thanks, Tiziano. I don't have the Nicholls book, but I read the page about Galen C. Colin and wound up ordering one of novels.

  3. Basil Wells name rang a bell as a SF writer. Thought I had a novel or 2 by him somewhere but may be mistaken. I know him from If and Planet Stories.

  4. Basil Wells (1912-2003): US author in various genres, including Detective Stories and Western, who began publishing SF with "Rebirth of Man" for Super Science Stories in 1940: His pseudonym, for short work only, was Gene Ellerman.
    Extract from SFE-Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.
    Tiziano Agnelli
