
Saturday, March 06, 2021

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: 10 Story Western Magazine, April 1953

It's not often you see the Old Geezer on a Western pulp cover without his pards, the Stalwart Cowboy and the Angry, Gun-Totin' Redhead, but here he is on this 10 STORY WESTERN MAGAZINE cover by Norman Saunders. I like the way he can shoot it out with the bad guys and continue smoking his pipe. He's a tough old bird. This is probably a pretty tough-minded issue, too, with stories by H.A. DeRosso and Jonathan Craig, along with Lee Floren, Robert Trimnell, Will Cook, Bill Burchardt, and some lesser-known Western pulpsters including Doc Winchester, a by-line that has to be a pseudonym or house-name, although it hasn't been identified as such.


  1. Fabulous cover! And, no bullet hole in the hat (at least we can't see one). His gun is pointed at the reader.

  2. It’s a pretty great cover — gotta be Norman Saunders, no? In fact, that might be his signature right below the Old Geezer’s hat.

    James, you really have to write a story featuring that Trio one of these days...



  3. I thought it might be a Saunders cover, too, but it's not listed on his website.

    I'm surprised I haven't already written a story with those characters. I need to check the outlines for my upcoming books and see if I can work them in somewhere. Or maybe I should just write a book around them. I had an arrow knock a guy's hat off his head in the book I'm currently writing, so I guess that counts as Injury to a Hat . . .

  4. It is Saunders, and whoever b.t. is, they have sharp eyes to see that signature in that scan :-)

    A better scan of the cover, where you can see the signature clearly, is here

    I've sent David Saunders an email about this cover.
