
Saturday, January 09, 2021

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Ranch Romances, First February Number, 1952

A really nice cover on this issue of RANCH ROMANCES. I think I want to write a story with that redhead in it! I don't know the artist. There's a signature in the bottom right corner, but I can't make it out. There's a great group of writers inside, too: Wayne D. Overholser, Todhunter (W.T.) Ballard, Giff Cheshire, Elmer Kelton, Tom W. Blackburn, and Arthur Lawson. It would be hard to go wrong with that bunch.


  1. I went on a Elmer Kelton binge many years ago. Some great novels such as Joe Pepper and the more modern Time it Never Rained.

  2. There are a lot of Kelton pulp stories that have never been reprinted. Somebody needs to do a multi-volume "Complete Short Fiction of Elmer Kelton" collection.

  3. Thanks! And, oddly enough, earlier this morning I identified Kirk Wilson as the artist on somebody else's post on Facebook. He was a great cover artist.

  4. You're welcome. That's quite a coincidence as you really don't, well at least I don't see many book covers by him. I have 2 in my collection and they're both great: Avon 546 - John Eagle - The Hoodlums and Ace D-77 - Stephen Marlowe - Catch the Brass Ring.
