
Friday, August 06, 2021

Forgotten Books: The Barbed Wire Noose - Harold Adams

(This post originally appeared in slightly different form on August 24, 2007.)

This is a Depression-era mystery set in the small town of Corden, South Dakota, featuring ne’er-do-well detective Carl Wilcox. This time around, while continuing to help his parents run the hotel they own, Carl is also called on to temporarily replace the town’s one-man police force when the local cop falls sick. Naturally a murder coincides with this development, as one of the town’s more enigmatic citizens is hanged with a length of barbed wire. This results in several relatives and associates of the murdered man showing up in Corden, and one of them winds up dead, too. Throw in a blizzard on top of these crimes, and Carl has his hands full sorting everything out.

That’s one of the drawbacks in this book: the plot is pretty complicated, and while Carl eventually uncovers the murderer, I’m not sure everything really hangs together. There are some continuity glitches, too, as a character changes hair color not once but twice, and the timing of a mysterious death in the past is given as five years earlier in one reference and ten years in another. Whether those are minor quibbles or major problems pretty much depends on the reader, I suppose. They bothered me, but I still enjoyed the book quite a bit. Adams has a wonderful way with characters and dialogue, and I love the dry wit with which Carl narrates these books, as well as the convincing but not overdone sense of time and place to be found in them. I’m sure I’ll read more entries in this series, not right away, but fairly soon.

UPDATE: I don't think I ever did read any more. I had a hard time finding the next book in the series and wound up forgetting about it. Maybe I should hunt it up now.


  1. I certainly didn't see Every Mysterious Press paperback, but if I didn't miss your review in its first form, I've managed to forget laying eyes on this cover, nor one for anything else by Adams. I should look up his work, too.

  2. I have enjoyed the whole series, you should try another one of the titles. Short books, and fun characters, reminds me a little of the Bill Crider Dan Rhodes books, only set during the depression.

    David P

  3. I've ordered the next two books in the series. I can see the resemblance to the Dan Rhodes books.
