
Sunday, August 02, 2020

Pages--and an Avalanche

I wrote 15 pages today and seem to be settling into a groove in that neighborhood. I'll take it. I got to a place where I wanted to stop for the day and saw that it was a little earlier than I usually knock off, so I thought I'd clean up a little in my office, which including moving some books around.

That was a mistake. A rather tall pile of books decided to collapse, and when that happened, they all landed between me and the door, so I had to clean them up in order to get out. That took longer than I intended. But things look a little better now, and it's a start, anyway.

You're not really a book collector until you've had a few avalanches like that, I say.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, yes I have had many an avalanche. The price of a large collection, I guess.
