
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Complete Stories, December 15, 1932

Pulp covers loved that bright red and yellow combination. Those are some scary-looking dogs on this cover by H.W. Scott, too. This issue of COMPLETE STORIES has some fine authors in it: Frederick C. Davis with a White Wolf story (ghosted under the name of the late Hal Dunning), George Harmon Coxe, Allan Vaughan Elston, Richard Howells Watkins, C.S. Montanye, Karl Detzer, and a pulpster I'm not familiar with, James Clarke. I've never read an issue of COMPLETE STORIES, but I know it doesn't have the same sort of reputation as the big-name general fiction pulps like ARGOSY, ADVENTURE, and SHORT STORIES. However, judging by the authors this looks like a pretty good issue.


  1. It's funny. When I first got involved with mystery fandom in the mid-70s, George Harmon Coxe was still alive. He published his last book in 1975 and if you look at articles from back then, his name was certainly seen frequently. Today was the first time I'd read his name in years and years.

  2. Coxe was a really solid writer, too, and every library had a shelf full of his books in the mystery section. I'll bet most of them have been weeded out in sales or just thrown away by now. I've enjoyed everything I've read by him and thought his Kent Murdock novel THE JADE VENUS was outstanding. Love the Flashgun Casey pulp stories, too.

  3. I associate him with Casey, Crime Photographer because of the radio series. Surprised to see he wrote into the 70s.

  4. I think his best work was in the Thirties, Forties, and Fifties, but the later stuff was still pretty good.
