
Sunday, June 07, 2020

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Adventure Trails, October 1938

Although I don't believe the Stalwart, Fur-Hatted Hero on this cover has a mustache (it's kind of hard to tell), I think the unknown artist intended for him to look like Errol Flynn. That's the way it appears to me, anyway. ADVENTURE TRAILS was a short-lived pulp from Manvis Publications, one of the lower-rung pulp publishers. The biggest name in this issue is Rodney Blake, who was really the great H. Bedford-Jones, although it's unlikely that readers of the time knew that. Also on hand are house-names Ken Jason and James Hall, plus little-known pulpsters such as Rex Evans, Lon Taylor, and Beech Allen. I'm sure the HB-J yarn is worth reading, and I'll bet some of the others are, too.


  1. Going to put this on mu reading list. Thanks.

  2. Is this reprinted I wonder? Likely not.

  3. No, it doesn't appear to have been reprinted.

  4. Adventure House reprinted the first issue of ADVENTURE TRAILS, though:

  5. The gloss and cluttered action of the cover make me wonder if it might be a Norman Saunders.

    Great looking pulp.
    Oh for the days the news stands were crammed with adventure fiction.

    Hope you’re doing well in this ever stranger world,

    John Hocking

  6. I thought the same thing about Saunders but haven’t taken the time yet to research it.

  7. I’m no expert but it doesn’t look very Saunders-y to me. My money’s on J.W. Scott. The lack of emotion on the lady’s face is one of his trademarks.

    - b.t.

  8. I agree. It certainly looks like it could be J.W. Scott's work.
