
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Halfway Point

Last year at this time, you may recall, I was moaning and complaining about how my long streaks of writing at least a million words a year and reading at least 100 books a year might well come to an end in 2019. Actually, as the year played out, neither of those things happened. So, how am I doing this year at the halfway point?

Despite all my blathering about how I was going to slow down, I’ve written about 550,000 words so far in 2020, and my schedule is full for the rest of the year (actually, a book or two probably will slop over into next year), so it looks like I have a reasonable shot at the million words for the 16th year in a row. Which is fine, whether it happens or not.

On the reading front, I’ve read 84 books so far this year, so I’m on a pace to have one of my best reading years ever. I guess maybe I’ve had more time to read, although it doesn’t seem like it.

I hope I haven’t jinxed either of those things by posting about them. We’ll see what the second half of the year brings. Some improvement in real life would be fine with me. All this other stuff doesn’t mean much in the long run.


  1. Thanks for the update, James--and congrats on your pace! Hope the second half is happy and healthy. Take care!

  2. Congrats! You're an inspiration!

  3. Man I am jealous of your energy and productivity. Best wishes for 2nd half.

  4. Very interesting, James, to see what and how you're doing. Your productivity is astounding. In the places I've worked, folks able to perform at that level usually became CEOs!

    I really enjoy the info/insights you give us RE the wonderful old books and authors, but it's also fun to see what's going on behind the scenes with a current, working author!

    Hope you and your family are doing well in this really odd year we're having.

    -Will R.
