
Sunday, March 08, 2020

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Thrilling Adventures, July 1943

When I was a kid, I would have loved to have a flying helmet, a pair of jodhpurs, and a .45. The good-looking girl, I wouldn't have cared about so much. It's safe to say that my priorities have changed since then . . . but the outfit the guy on this cover of THRILLING ADVENTURES is wearing is still pretty cool. Inside are stories by Louis L'Amour ("Night Over the Solomons", the title story of one of his collections many, many years later), Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, house-name Charles Stoddard, and several little known authors. THRILLING ADVENTURES published some pretty good stories. There's been one big collection of yarns from it already, and there could easily be more.

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