
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Saturday Morning Western Pulp: Western Novels and Short Stories, May 1950

This is another Norman Saunders cover packed with detail. This scene might have seemed too busy if it was painted by many other artists, but Saunders had a way of always making it work. As usual, there are some good writers in this issue of WESTERN NOVELS AND SHORT STORIES, too: Les Savage Jr., Frank Castle, John Callahan, and J.L. Bouma. I hope no stray bullets hit that box full of dynamite!


  1. You're right!There's enough detail here to write a thousand stories.

  2. You forgot to say that
    CALLAHAN, JOHN; pseudonym of Joseph L. Chadwick, (1909-1987); other pseudonyms Jack Barton & Jocelyn Chadwick (chron.)

    Best from Italy,
    Tiziano Agnelli
