
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Love Story, December 31, 1938

This is the way Livia and I will be spending our New Year's Eve, of course, in our swanky penthouse. Actually, we'll probably both be asleep by midnight. This is a nice cover, though. I have no idea who did the art, and all the authors who contributed stories to this issue are totally unknown to me. I like a lot of the Western romance pulps, but I'm just not the target audience for the regular romance titles. I do like the cover, though.


  1. Daisy Bacon was the long time editor of LOVE STORY and DETECTIVE STORY MAGAZINE. Recently Laurie Powers wrote a book titled DAISY BACON QUEEN OF THE PULPS which covers her life and influence on the pulps. I've read it and highly recommend it to anyone interested in the pulps or popular fiction. It's available from or McFarland Books. Over 80 photographs.

  2. I have Laurie's book and also the one about Cap Shaw. They're both high in the stack to read next year.

  3. And, amusingly, it's in pulp dimensions, not the default for McFarland books I'd seen previously (tend in my perhaps limited experience to run to 8.5 x 11").

    Enjoy the high life on the holiday, and the good sleep afterward!
