
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday Morning Bonus Pulp: Detective Fiction Weekly, November 20, 1937

That's a really striking cover by Rudolph Belarski on this issue of DETECTIVE FICTION WEEKLY, illustrating a story by a fine writer, John K. Butler. Also in this issue are stories by a couple of top hardboiled writers, Roger Torrey and Steve Fisher, and yarns by long-time pulpsters Edgar Franklin and Fred MacIsaac (writing as Donald Ross this time around). An issue of DETECTIVE FICTION WEEKLY was the first pulp I ever bought, so I have a definite fondness for the magazine.


  1. March 1, 1930. I don't have the issue anymore (lost in the fire of '08), but I remembered it had one of J. Allan Dunn's Griffin stories in it, so I went through that series listing on the FMI until I found the cover I recognized.

  2. I have that one. Bought it for the Butler story, but can't remember what it was about. Time to get reacquainted, I reckon.

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  5. I can’t believe this juvenile idiocy amuses anyone beyond the cloistered twit who created it.
    Try sending such remarks to members of your family. Perhaps they will react with the shock you seem to crave.

  6. Used to, I would get a flurry of these and set comments on moderation for a while, then I decided I'd just delete them as they show up. Blogger catches some but not all of them.

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